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Week 1 reading images

Hello to all and welcome to CPS!! Today for the first week we will take a look at the course outline and get our hands dirty by looking at various photographers and their unique vision expressed through the medium. Before we get started, this is your course as much as it is mine.  Your contributions will greatly impact the success of this course. Before we get started, I want you to try and free up your mind from all the things that occupy it.  This means clearing yourself from all distractions and thoughts you may have leading up to this moment.  Be ready to receive information, question it and be ready to share your thoughts and beliefs.   Nicholas Nixon   Notes to cover | apart form the course outline | things to review: Create a BLOGGER blog for this course and send me a link to !    Things to consider when making your blog for CPS due by this Friday.  keep the layout simple, clean and no images used as the background, they are distracting Display your na

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